
By making sure the right vibration information is available to you at the right time, GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech helps you overcome your toughest challenges.

GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech fully commits its people, expertise and technologies to provide reliable analysis and advice you can trust.

Vibration measurement is only one aspect of the monitoring process. Analysis of the results requires technical expertise to draw the proper conclusions from the data. GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech personnel have the experience to review vibration events, determine compliance and suggest courses of action when issues arise.

Simple analysis of blast recordings by third-party professionals can determine compliance. Further review determines and allows for assessment of correct seismograph operation and recording procedures. Evaluation of the records can indicate errors in recording time, assessment of overall levels and review of the waveform itself for blast issues. Analysis is also necessary to consider structural response. The review of the seismogram is the first step in complaint and structural response assessment of neighboring structures. Whether special instruments or multiple channel evaluation is necessary, GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech has the expertise to address your issues.

For blasting, special needs analysis of the delays within a pattern can be evaluated. Our Vibra-Map® delay selection program can be used to optimize timing within a blast pattern. This program can increase fragmentation with more efficient timing, reducing crusher throughput. Additional benefits allow for reduction of ground vibration. Overall reduction of peak particle velocities may result, in addition to modification of the ground vibration frequency. This can increase frequencies and reduce structure response.