GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech professionals regularly write and publish articles like the works listed here – just one more way we share our expertise.
GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech Publications
- “How Geophysics Contributes to Rebuilding the U.S. Infrastructure: A Case Study Involving Seismic Tomography” by Douglas Rudenko, PG; Siavash Mahvelati, PhD; Stephen Munoz, PG; Sebastian Lobo-Guerrero, PhD, PE; Scott Kelley, PE; Proceedings of the 2023 International Bridge Conference, National Harbor, MD.
- “Magnitude 2.8 Earthquake Caused by 90 Pounds (41 kg) Per Delay! Not So Fast” by Douglas Rudenko, PG; T. A. Davidsavor; J. Aiken, PG; R. E. Burnham, Esq; J. K. Ratliff, Esq; I. G. Wong, PG; C. T. Aimone-Martin, Ph.D., Proceedings of the 49th Annual Conference on Explosives & Blasting Technique 2023, San Antonio, TX.
- “Crack Displacement and Vibration Measurement of an Underground Portal” by Douglas Rudenko, P.G., Siavash Mahvelati, Ph.D. and Jay Elkin; The Journal of Explosives Engineering; July/August 2022 Page 1-15; International Society of Explosives Engineers (2022).
- “Use of Surface Wave Testing to Develop Pile Driving Vibration Criteria in a Coastal Environment” by Douglas Rudenko, P.G.; Mohamad Sharif, P.E., Ryan Jubran and Siavash Mahvelati Ph.D., Proceedings of Geo-Congress 2022, Charlotte, NC.
- “Stability Analysis of a Slope Supporting a Water Tank in Proximity to a Quarry: A Case Study Involving Seismic Geophysical Testing and Finite Element Modeling” by Douglas Rudenko, P.G.; Mohamad. Sharif, P.E.; Stephen Munoz, P.G.; Brian Warner; and Siavash Mahvelati Ph.D., Proceedings of Geo-Congress 2022, Charlotte, NC.
- “Crack Displacement and Vibration Measurement at an Underground Portal” by Douglas Rudenko and Jay Elkin, Proceedings of the 48th Annual Conference on Explosives & Blasting Technique 2022, Las Vegas, NV.
- “A Comprehensive Assessment of a Dynamic Compaction Operation Using Pre- and Post-Compaction Shear Wave Velocity Measurements and Attenuation Studies” by Siavash Mahvelati, Douglas Rudenko, and Mark Edwards, Proceedings of International Foundations Congress & Equipment Expo (IFCEE) 2021, Dallas, TX.
- “Deep Active Surface Wave Testing Using Weight Drops at a deep Dynamic Compaction Site” by Siavash Mahvelati, Ph.D. and Douglas Rudenko, P.G., Proceedings of SAGEEP 2021, Virtual.
- “A Blueprint for Managing Construction-Vibration Risk at Museums” by Douglas Rudenko, P.G., Mohamad Sharif, P.E. and Brian Warner; The Journal of Preservation Technology; Vol LI No.4 2020 Page 37-43; Association for Preservation Technology International (2021).
- “In-situ Seismic Investigations for Evaluating Geotechnical Properties and Liquefaction Potential of Fine Coal Tailings” by Douglas Rudenko, P.G.; Min Liew, M.S.; Ming Xiao, PhD; Shimin Liu, PhD; ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering; April 2020.
- “Monitoring and Advanced Evaluation Techniques for Aggregate Mining in Urban Settings” by Douglas Rudenko and Jeffery Straw; Proceedings of the 2011 Society of Mining Engineers Annual Meeting; Denver, CO.
- “The Court of Public Opinion: Winning Through Science” by Douglas Rudenko and Philip Berger Jr.; February 2002; Aggregates Manager.
- “Plugging in to Digital Detonation” by Russell A. Carter; May 2002; Rock Products.
- “Blasting Near Domestic Water Supplies: Facts and Myths Part Two” by Douglas Rudenko, Gregory Love and Thomas Novotny; August 2002; Aggregates Manager.
- “Blasting Near Domestic Water Supplies: Facts and Myths Part One” by Douglas Rudenko, Gregory Love and Thomas Novotny; August 2002; Aggregates Manager.
- “Predicting Response in Historical Structures” by Mohamad Sharif; January 2000; Rock Products.
- “Diagnosing and Solving Blasting Problems” by Douglas Rudenko; July 2000; Aggregates Manager.
- “Accurate Record Documentation is Essential When Preparing for Blast Damage Litigation” by Keith Pucalik; November 2000; Aggregates Manager.
- “Success Story Awards: Elmhurst Chicago Stone Co.” by Darren Constantino; August 1999; Pit & Quarry.
- “Why People Complain about Blasting” by James P. Reil; July 1998; Rock Products.
- “Reducing Blasting Claims” by Mark R. Fritzen; November 1997; Pit & Quarry.
- “CIMA’s Tool Energy Rating Should End Confusion” by Phillip R. Berger Jr., Thomas Leonard and Bryan E. Papillon; April 1996; Aggregates Manager.
- “Anomalies in Blast Vibration Propagation” by D.T. Froedge; August 1995; Coal.
- “Outsmarting Blast Vibrations” by D.T. Froedge; November 1989; Coal.
- “Your Blasting Ruined My Well!” by Donelson A. Robertson; April 1988; Stone Review.
United States Bureau of Mines (USBM) Reports
- “Structure of Response and Damage Produced by Airblast From Surface Mining” by David E. Siskind, Virgil J. Stachura; 1999; U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.
- “Surface Mine Blasting Near Pressurized Transmission Pipelines” by David E. Siskind, Mark S. Stagg, John E. Wiegand and David L. Schulz; 1994; U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.
- “Blast Vibrations and Other Potential Causes of Damage in Homes Near a Large Surface Coal Mine in Indiana” by David E. Siskind, Steven V. Crum and Matthew N. Plis; 1993; U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.
- “Comparative Study of Blasting Vibrations from Indiana Surface Coal Mines” by David E. Siskind, Steven V. Crum, Rolfe E. Otterness and John W. Kopp; 1989; U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.
- “Surface Mine Blasting” by Staff, Bureau of Mines (Illinois); April 16, 1987; Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Seminar.
- “Low-Frequency Vibrations Produced by Surface Mine Blasting Over Abandoned Underground Mines” by David E. Siskind, Virgil J. Stachura and Michael J. Nutting; 1987; U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.
- “Delayed Blasting Tests to Improve Highwall Stability — A Final Report” by Virgil J. Stachura, Larry R. Fletcher and Michael A. Peltier; 1986; U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.
- “Effects of Millisecond-Delay Intervals on Vibration and Airblast from Surface Coal Mine Blasting” by John W. Kopp and David E. Siskind; 1986; U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.
- “Assessment of Blasting Vibrations from Surface Mine Blasting in Peabody’s Universal Mine, Blanford, Indiana” by David E. Siskind; May 15, 1985; U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.
- “The Generation of Low-Frequency Long-Duration Vibrations from Surface Mine Blasting at Blanford, Indiana” by David E. Siskind, Virgil J. Stachura and Michael J. Nutting; November 15, 1985; U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.
- “Effects of Repeated Blasting on a Wood-Frame House” by Mark S. Stagg, David E. Siskind, Michael G. Stevens and Charles H. Dowding; 1984; U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.
- “Explosives and Blasting Procedures Manual” by Richard A. Dick, Larry R. Fletcher and Dennis V. D’Andrea; 1983; U.S. Department of the Interior.
- “Vibrations from Underground Blasting” by James J. Snodgrass and David E. Siskind; 1974; U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.
- “Defining Blast Patterns Using Empirical Formulas” by Joseph M. Pugliese; 1974; Engineering and Mining Journal.
- “Effects of Mechanical Properties of Material on Cratering: A Laboratory Study” by J. Burlin Johnson and R.L. Fischer; 1963; U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.
- “Vibrations from Instantaneous and Millisecond-Delayed Quarry Blasts” by Wilbur I. Duvall, Charles F. Johnson, V.C. Meyer and James F. Devine; 1963; U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.
- “Review of Criteria for Estimating Damage to Residences from Blasting Vibrations” by Wilbur I. Duvall and David E. Fogelson; 1962; U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.
- “Airblast and Ground Vibration Generation and Propagation From Contour Mine Blasting” by Virgil J. Stachura, David E. Siskind and John W. Kopp; U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.
- “Airblast Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques for Surface Mine Blasting” by Virgil J. Stachura, David E. Siskind and Alvin J. Engler; U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.
- “Blast Vibration Measurements Near and On Structure Foundations” by David E. Siskind, Mark S. Stagg; U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.
- “Blasting Vibrations and Their Effects on Structures” by Harry R. Nicholls, Charles F. Johnson and Wilbur I. Duvall; U.S. Department of the Interior.
- “Measurement of Blast-Induced Ground Vibrations and Seismograph Calibration” by Mark S. Stagg and Alvin J. Engler; U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.