Tilt monitoring is primarily used for measuring the vertical and horizontal rotation of structures on projects involving deep excavation, heavy demolition or blasting near structures of concern.
Construction operations frequently have sensitive thresholds for movement on and around the site. Tilt meters are a monitoring solution in such circumstances – and GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech tilt meters have the additional advantage of being able to operate continuously as part of our Re:mote Monitoring system. Incorporating dual axis motion sensors with the unit allows the evaluation of structure motion, with results delivered in person or via a customized client website. The sensitivity of our equipment enables precise motion detection. Multiple instruments can monitor all aspects of structure motion. By updating results at regular, predetermined intervals, there is no chance of movement occurring without notification.
Our tilt meter system is used to record variance in the inclination of a structure. It is particularly useful in early or historic construction. Variance in inclination is fairly common in such structures, and it is important to monitor even slight change. Buildings with non-square or out-of-level walls are not necessarily structurally unsound, but they do warrant monitoring since they may have a greater potential for damage. We have deployed systems with scaling to record +/- 1 degree, thus providing a resolution of 0.0006 degrees.
Standard systems typically use bi-axial tilt meters with scaling to record +/- 10 degrees with a resolution of 0.005 degrees of tilt. Data is typically collected at one-minute intervals and recorded to a histogram. Web-based presentation and reports can also be generated for degrees of tilt or for inches of deviation, depending on requirements.
GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech tilt meters are inertially referenced to the most stable baseline of all, the vertical gravity vector. They provide a precise, dependable record of all angular movements with respect to gravity. They can minimize the time and expense spent continuously surveying benchmarks and other data. Simply install the tilt meters and begin your measurements. Rotations induced by settlement or loading can directly convert to displacements, moduli, movements, and shears using standard engineering formulae.
Tilt meters can also be used for construction safety. Excessive structural or foundation movement during construction or other vibration-inducing events is a precursor to structural failure. Tilt-meters connected to a warning system can trigger alarms when allowable limits are exceeded, permitting corrective action before damage occurs. Continuously recorded data provides a permanent record of events.