Count on GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech’s reliable water table drawdown testing to keep your dig site plans from going under.
Water quality and quantity within well systems are part of any water management program for mining and quarrying operations. Whether on-site or neighboring wells, the level of water change associated with dewatering for site development or standard quarry operations requires evaluation. Pre-project inspection of well systems provides a reference point prior to the start of excavation or blasting and can eliminate issues at future dates.
Drawdown testing is recommended as part of inspections for wells. Long-term evaluation of wells and their ability to recover following pumping is a strong indicator of well condition. GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech’s experience in testing includes U.S. Bureau of Mines research studies (Minerals Research Contract Report, Survey of Blasting Effects on Ground Water Supplies in Appalachia, Parts I and II) which have demonstrated the value of water well drawdown testing. When plotted, well levels can be reviewed by mine personnel or hydrologists as part of future planning.
Drawdown testing also relies upon the measurement of static water levels in adjacent wells. GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech’s Re:mote Monitoring instruments provide the levels of adjacent wells during testing and for pre- and post-testing. The effect upon adjacent water wells can be accurately assessed and monitored during all mining or construction activities.