All materials weather soil or rock, concrete or wood attenuate or delay vibration in a predictable manner.
The attenuation of a material can be measured by attaching a number of sensors to the material and collecting vibration signals as they pass through the materials from a source. The source can be any type of man-made vibration such as a blast, weight drop or pile driver. As a vibration wave travels away from the source it loses energy.
To predict vibration, GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech experts collect vibration data at various distances from the source. A curve can be fit to the data that yields a mathematical equation of attenuation for the site or material. This mathematical equation can be used to estimate how much vibration energy is lost so you know how vibration will impact the structure as the source of vibration gets closer to the structure.
If you are working on a project where you will produce vibration, it is good to know at what distance does the vibration level begin to exceed established vibration criteria. An attenuation study will allow you to know how close you can use a certain type of equipment without impact and can recommend other equipment that will be needed to progress in each area of concern.
Turn to GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech for expert Attenuation Studies for your project. Contact us today for more information or visit our other consulting services below: