Make your first look your best look. Accurate inspection is an essential first step of your project as well as a foundation for legal defense later.
Post-blast and post-construction inspections save you from a bigger headache later. GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech gathers the “before” and “after” surveys your company needs to respond to a complaint filed months or even years later.
Inspections following the completion of a project are an overlooked necessity. Project completion does not alleviate a firm from complaints or claims. Inspections at the end of a project provide the best evaluation of project effects. GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech reviews structures previously inspected and compares them to original evaluations.
The comparison of reports and photographs definitively establishes changes in structures. Experienced inspectors who have individually inspected thousands of man-made structures perform technical evaluations, providing third-party independence and an objective professional evaluation. Project specifications typically require these professional evaluations and independent review.