Convenient, cost efficient and controllable, we offer accurate water testing solutions.
GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech collects water samples to conduct chemical water analyses, usually in conjunction with inspection services. A typical water analysis consists of seven or eight standard parameters, but any analysis can be customized to a specific client need or request.
Sampling is performed to establish a baseline on private wells or springwater supplies encountered during pre-project inspections, enabling third-party documentation of water supplies. We also perform water analyses in conjunction with post-project inspections damage claim investigations. Upon request, GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech can also assist in providing bacteriological analysis.
We also possess the ability to conduct more comprehensive field studies on individual well and springwater supplies. Static water level measurements, drawdown testing and spring flow rates can be measured. Using our Re:mote Monitoring system, we also offer long-term monitoring with continuous data collection and remote communication for specific parameters.