Everyone deserves fair and honest answers. As part of our citizen reporting, GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech invites, a range of concerned parties to provide their opinions and help set benchmarks on the issues that matter most.
Mining and quarrying operations may hold open houses at specific locations as part of their community awareness programs. Such events are one of the best formats for company personnel to meet neighbors and residents of the community, giving everyone the opportunity to interact in less formal surroundings. During the open house, employees of the operation can show the community their work environment and explain what the operation is all about. This is also an excellent time for community members to bring up questions – many will be answered on the spot; others may require research and will be answered at a later date. An open house typically includes professional representatives from firms doing work at the operation, such as the blasting contractor, hydrologists, engineers, seismologists and environmental scientists.
Most open houses provide the opportunity for guided bus tours, with employees and managers of the operation providing insight and fielding questions about the mine or quarry. A tour also usually includes description of, and in some cases an opportunity to view and ask questions about, the vibration monitoring equipment used at the site. GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech strongly encourages you to take advantage of these opportunities when they are presented.