GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech provides world-class solutions to working-class problems. Every day we employ our expertise in areas like structural dynamic analysis to solve day-to-day problems you might take for granted.
Structural dynamic analysis, a subset of pure structural analysis, covers the behavior of structures subjected to dynamic loading. Dynamic loads include everyday activities which people are accustomed to, but which still have an overall effect upon a structure. Cultural events are those that are expected and taken for granted by the building occupants, such as daily walking on a floor, exterior wind causing movement in tall structures, motion created by elevators and traffic. Cultural events can be man-made or natural, ranging from waves and earthquakes to pile driving, vibratory compaction and blast-induced ground vibration. Any structure can be subject to dynamic loading from such events, raising concerns for the occupants. By employing dynamic analysis, we can find structure displacements, velocity, or acceleration time histories, and this data can be used to evaluate the structural behavior during the application of dynamic loads.
Dynamic analysis for simple structures can be carried out manually, but for more complex structures, GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech professionals use finite element analysis techniques to calculate the dynamic properties of structure such as mode shapes and natural frequencies. These modeling techniques can provide solutions for modifications of floor and wall systems to stiffen and strengthen the structure to reduce response.
Turn to GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech for expert Structural Dynamic Analysis for your project. Contact us today for more information or visit our other consulting services below: