Use of Surface Wave Testing to Develop Pile Driving Vibration Criteria in a Coastal Environment
A bridge replacement was needed on a state road that crosses a creek. The completion of the North abutment included the installation of sheet piles and H-piles using vibratory and impact pile driving. During this phase, the pile driving induced ground vibrations were monitored with several seismographs installed near an adjacent community center. On several occasions, the vibration levels exceeded the original vibration criteria that was established for this project. Given that the South abutment of the bridge is closer to the community center, it was expected that the pile driving vibrations would again exceed the recommended vibration criteria. The goal of this study was to revisit and modify the original vibration limit prior to the construction of the South abutment. The Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) method was used to develop shear-wave velocity profiles. The produced velocity models were then used to calculate the soil settlement and maximum estimated foundation load/settlement caused by pile driving at the community center. Vibration thresholds were proposed based on the pile driving equipment to mitigate the risks of structural damage to the existing structure. Finally, using Re:mote seismographs, construction-induced vibrations were monitored.
Check out our Consulting Services for more information on Vibration Criteria Development.
Contact the Eastern Pennsylvania Office to learn more about this project.