Let GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech inspect and monitor the work happening below the surface so the community above can remain safe.
Hartford, Connecticut’s Metropolitan District (MDC) needed to construct the South Hartford Conveyance and Storage Tunnel (SHCST). The SHCST is a four-mile-long deep rock tunnel to store excess wastewater and stormwater and transfer the water to the Hartford Water Pollution Control Facility for treatment. Once constructed, the tunnel would divert 41.5 million gallons of water to minimize wastewater overflows into the local waterways, the Connecticut River and Long Island Sound during major storm events. The SHCST project is the largest infrastructure initiative of the MDC’s Clean Water Project and the largest contract awarded by the MDC. GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech was hired to conduct pre-construction condition surveys of houses and commercial buildings that fell within a 20 ft radius of the main tunnel project and within 100 ft of support excavation installation. In addition, condition surveys were conducted within 300 ft of any blasting of adits along the project path. Throughout the many neighborhoods, underground conduits for waste water were connected to the main tunnel using microtunneling. During installation of support excavation for the microtunneling operation, vibration and sound monitoring was required. GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech set up seismographs and sound level meters using Re:mote Technology to monitor and protect nearby homes and businesses. Text alerts were set up to notify the project owner, project engineer, geotechnical engineer and contractor if the vibration levels were approaching set limits.
Check out our Inspection Services for more information on Pre-Construction Inspections.

Contact the Connecticut Office to learn more about this project.