When blasting puts you between a rock and a hard place with your neighbors, call GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech to monitor the situation.

Precision Blasting was awarded a project near Atlanta that required the removal of hard, unweathered Georgia gneiss. This particular project involved mass rock blasting to remove up to 40 feet of material, followed by ditch line blasting to depths of approximately 12 feet. The project comprised phases three and four of an established town home community that was completed about two years prior. As with most projects, the established town homes were constructed in an area that required minimal blasting, leaving the less desirable “outcrop-of-rock” for future speculation. In this case, the existing town home community completely surrounded the less desirable area. A majority of the blasting on this project took place within a distance of 200 feet from existing structures, and in some cases, the blasting was as close as 50 feet. Due to the volume of material that needed to be removed, time constraints placed by the contractor and the community, and the persistent close proximity of blasting to structures, it was determined that numerous small blasts would be conducted each day. Two Re:mote systems were installed at the nearest structures to the initial blasting. As blasting progressed, the monitoring stations were relocated as needed to the nearest structures.
Let us show you how the GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech Re:mote Vibration Monitoring System and Vibration Monitoring Equipment can allow you to get data to project personnel, saving you operational time and resources.