Reach out to GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech today to see how developing a vibration control plan can allow you to complete your demolition project without impacting nearby structures.
When Georgia State University got approval for The Greenway project, it required a four-phase plan to demolish historic Kell Hall and redesign the plaza area in front of the Library North entrance. Given Kell Hall’s close proximity to other campus buildings, GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech was entrusted to develop vibration criteria specific for each adjacent structure, some buildings within inches of Kell Hall. The demolition included vibration inducing equipment like excavators and skid loaders. Once a vibration control plan was set, GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech conducted pre construction surveys for nearby structures. During the demolition phases, vibration monitoring data was collected. When the equipment measured a reading that was near or exceeded the criteria, project personnel were notified by text and email. Following the demolition, post construction surveys were completed.
Check out our Consulting Services for more information on Vibration Criteria Development.

Contact the Georgia Office to learn more about this project.