Roadway projects include a lot of moving pieces, let GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech monitor your project to keep work at full speed.
As part of a major roadway widening project that involved adding a service lane to the northbound & southbound lanes of the I-90/94 freeway through downtown Chicago, GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech was retained to provide project vibration limits and alert levels for vibration and crack monitoring. The vibration limits and alert levels were developed by GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech’s professional engineer based on the pre-construction condition surveys of the neighboring buildings, construction equipment to be utilized for the project and the soil conditions at the site. During the planned roadwork, vibration monitoring units were installed at nearby structures. GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech also monitored the underground subway tunnels and some water district (CDWM) siphon junction chambers. Crack meters were installed to monitor significant cracks in buildings that were discovered during the pre-construction inspection. If vibration levels exceeded the alert levels, key personnel were automatically notified by email and/or text so the issue could be addressed.
Check out our Vibration Monitoring Services or Vibration Mitigation FAQs for more information.

Contact the Illinois Office to learn more about this project.