Speaker Profile: Robert McClure

GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech is excited to announce that Robert McClure, President, R.A. McClure, Inc. will be a speaker at Re:Con 2025.

Mr. McClure will be presenting, “Blast Optimization Using Smart Drill and Loader Technology” during Re:Con 2025. His presentation will discuss accurate blast design. Mr. McClure will look at how Smart Drill integration improves the drilling accuracy on the bench by providing angle, azimuth and depths with subdrill. The use of Smart Loader technology assists the operator to maintain pre-established floor elevations. Mr. McClure will review how the combination of this smart technology coupled with accurate blast design software provides the tools to a successful optimization program.

Mr. McClure is President of R.A. McClure, Inc. (RAM), an international independent consulting firm. He attended The Ohio State University, North Central Technical College and Lowell University. He is a certified instructor for the Mine Safety Health Administration (MSHA) and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATFE). He is an active member of the International Society of Explosives Engineers (ISEE), Institute of Explosive Engineers (IEE), Society of Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, (SME) and the International Bomb Technicians and Investigators Association (IABTI). As a member of the Institute of Makers of Explosives (IME), Mr. McClure serves on the Board of Governors and chairs several committees. Mr. McClure is also a recipient of the ISEE Presidential Award.