GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech is excited to announce that Dr. Catherine Aimone-Martin, President, Aimone-Martin Associates, LLC will be a speaker at Re:Con 2025.

Dr. Aimone-Martin will be presenting, “Blast Vibration-Induced Structure Global Strains – A Better Approach to Cracking Potential” during Re:Con 2025. The presentation will provide simplified global strain calculations derived from seismograph geophones strategically mounted at structures. Examples of blast-induced strain measurements both well below and above material failure strains will be presented as well as details of a strain-based blasting criteria adopted for New York City.
Dr. Aimone-Martin has served for 25 years as Professor of Mineral Engineering and currently as Emeritus Professor with New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. She has over 45 years’ experience in blast consulting and monitoring. Dr. Aimone-Martin is the author of over 99 publications and conducts training courses for blaster certification. Dr. Aimone-Martin was the 2012 recipient of the Distinguished Service Award and a former member of the ISEE Board of Directors.