
GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech has a proud history of innovation, inspiration and ingenuity – and we continue to turn yesterday’s dreams into today’s realities.

GeoSonics, Inc. and Vibra-Tech Engineers, Inc. each have long histories in the vibration community. Our personnel include several past and present leaders in the vibration and measurement industry.

Vibra-Tech Engineers, Inc. began in 1949 as a partnership under the name of Vibration Engineering Company. Dr. L. Don Leet, one of the original founders, developed the first three-component portable seismograph used to measure blast vibration effects. The first notable use of this seismograph was in 1944 to measure the ground vibration effects of the first atomic test blast in New Mexico. The company itself was born in the anthracite coal regions of Pennsylvania, which at that time used more explosives than anywhere in the world. It began in response to the growing number of complaints about blasting vibrations from property owners near mining operations. Dr. Leet, who offered an impressive combination of academic credentials, knowledge of explosives, and communication skills, was joined by Robert L. Klotz, who assumed management of the company. The two men turned the fledgling company into one of the most technologically advanced authorities in protective services for both explosive users and the public. Its first office in Hazleton, Pennsylvania is still the corporate headquarters.

GeoSonics, Inc. traces its history to 1971 with the formation of Philip R. Berger & Associates, Inc. Philip R. Berger, a student of Dr. Leet and former Vibra-Tech employee, started an independent firm to monitor the effects of ground vibration and air overpressure from blasting, pile driving and construction activity. Based near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the firm catapulted to the forefront of expert vibration monitoring and evaluation of vibration side-effects. In 1988, Philip R. Berger & Associates, Inc. transferred its operations to GeoSonics, Inc. At the same time, this firm with tremendous credentials in vibration evaluation began developing and manufacturing its own instrumentation. Those seismographs have evolved from the first printing seismograph with analysis capability to current digital advanced instruments and accessories. With instruments and distributors worldwide, its Safeguard Seismic Units enjoy wide-ranging success.

In 1995, Vibra-Tech Engineers, Inc. and GeoSonics, Inc. formed an alliance specializing in seismograph manufacturing, vibration services, noise control and blasting seismology. We are now the best known names in the seismic consulting and seismograph manufacturing industries. Our alliance gives clients a combination of 98 years of in-the-field experience serving the mining, quarrying and construction industries.

As we continue to build on our industry-leading history, we look forward to working with you and enhancing your operational success.