
At GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech we are always asking, “What if?” – which is why we constantly bring innovations to the marketplace that leave others asking, “Why didn’t anyone think of this before?”

GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech is the leading innovator in the seismic instrumentation and monitoring field, with a history of introducing new solutions for instrument monitoring and new services to get your data to you faster, while advancing the analysis of data through our research projects.

Our Re:mote Monitoring system is continually updated for faster service. Using a standard seismograph for remote monitoring of vibration events, our system also includes options for water level, water quality, crack motions, and noise measurements. All of these measurements are made with the convenience and cost savings of the industry’s first fully remotely operated instruments.

GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech has also developed The Vault, a record storage system that lets us safely maintain your recorded data for years without fear of loss. Data is recoverable for each operation, recording location, and specific date or time. The Vault operates behind the scenes with our Re:mote Monitoring system to safeguard your critical vibration recordings.

Another innovation with the Re:mote Monitoring system is how you access your data. GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech has developed a solution that gives you web-based access to your critical measurements. Whether it is blasting, pile driving, noise or environmental measurements, getting information as soon as possible is vital to your decision-making process, so we provide each client with customized website locations for you to obtain your data. On the road, in the field or in the office, accessing your results is as simple as logging on to your customized, password-protected page. The system also enables multiple access levels, so upper management can review results from multiple locations while limiting the access of other personnel to their specific site.

You can count on GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech to continue its history of innovation. We are committed to delivering advanced solutions that define the future of monitoring.